Does eating healthy mean you have an eating disorder? Well according to some it is. Orthorexia is the obsession with eating healthy.
I know eating disorders are very serious and I do take them seriously, but I had to laugh when I saw this on yahoo.com. I mean how ironic! What incredible timing! It described in detail the way that I was eating!
After the first couple days of eating raw foods I was dropping weight. Dropping quickly! But how can I gain weight when I'm only eating raw fruits and vegetables?! That's why I didn't stay completely alkaline, I had to eat something else to keep the weight on. I was happy with my weight. If I lost any more weight I would look sick in my own opinion.
Plus, raw fruits and veggies gets boring. You can make it interesting for a while, but your body needs more! Proteins! Carbs! Salt! Sugar! BALANCE! After a couple days of almost all raw foods, I not only needed more for my body, I was craving it. Raw food is a great cleanse, just not a way of eating... For me at least.
Raw foods are good for you but there is a lot more the body needs to be healthy! Anything taken to the extreme can be dangerous.
Raw foods work for some people. Check out the following links!
First there is Brad, founder of Brad's Raw Foods. How did raw foods help him turn his wellness around?
And then there is Lauren, a Raw Chef and Plant Based Nutrition Wellness Coach. See how raw foods changed her life!
To read more about the delicate balance between staying healthy and turning healthy eating into an eating disorder, check out the following link to a TIME magazine article:
healthy eating that is usually surrounded by a lot of myths is regarding the quantity of foods that we eat. The myths tell us that eating healthy is reducing the quantity of what we eat and avoiding snacking all together. However when it comes to facts about healthy eating, you can always eat to your fill as long as you are eating wholesome and nutritious food. Foods that are rich in fiber and nutrient content, devoid of artificial additives and bad fats and cholesterol and fresh foods that have not been highly processed are the best to splurge on. When it comes to snacking, fruits, yoghurt and nuts are some healthy snacks that you can have between meals. dominos diabetic pizza